Bachelor/Master thesis
Bachelor/Master thesis
In addition to the main crop, undersown crops, soil and water, the issue of biodiversity and the relationship between flora and fauna also play a crucial role in our investigations. We would therefore like to expand our team with a bachelor's or master's degree in the field of biology, crop sciences, agricultural biology, agriculture and the environment, etc. The young scientist is assured of the best possible support on our part! If you are interested or have any questions, just contact us.
Closing event on 23 May 2023
4 years of applied practical research on permanent undersowing systems in conventional arable farming are the occasion to share new knowledge with committed farmers, advisors, scientists and all interested parties.
In expert lectures, discussions and practical demonstrations on the trial field, you can expect an exciting exchange among colleagues - for new approaches and ideas.
Participation in the event is free of charge, catering is provided.
Westerwälder Zeitung in august 2023
Our closing event was worth a whole page in the Westerwälder Zeitung! Written for the interested layman, many aspects from our trial and the event in May were taken up, accompanied by the appropriate pictures and divided into appealing blocks. We were very pleased with the interest and the presentation!